Register as a vendor

  1. Click on Vendor registration tab. The link is

  1. You are going to the window below.

  • Enter a valid email for instant verification, then check for a verification in your email and copy paste in the field labelled Verification Code.

  • Once verified, Fill out all the other required fields and ensure you read and agree to terms and conditions.
  • Once done, click on REGISTER. Then wait for admin approval.
  1. Once Approved, you will get an email notification. To access your shop and add products, click on the Sign tab then log in using your email or username and password.

Once logged in, you will be able to access your dashboard.

  1. Managing products (Design). NB. House designs are referred to as products. a.Adding a product/design
  • Click on the products tab, then click Add New


  • Enter the required details which includes; Product Title, Price, product image, Technical Description, Long Description, select category. Kindly make sure you fill out all the details mentioned above.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and click on the Downloads tab to add the design file under Files. Enter filename then click on upload tab to select the file. Then click on SUBMIT FOR REVIEW.

  • Then click on SUBMIT FOR REVIEW.
  1. Edit product/design.
  • Click products menu, you are going to get a list of all your products
  • Click on the product name

  • Then edit details accordingly